This ethnography museum, located at Major Wisnu street. It was established on 8th December 1932 and keeps a large collection of old Items in its 4 building : The East Building, The Buleleng, Karangasem, and Tabanan Building, Each of them exhibits unique collection, such as The East Building exhibits pre-historical and historical items (including Balinese ancient tools). The Buleleng Building symbolize by the statue of Singa Ambara exhibits traditional Balinese fabric and costumes for religious purposes. The Karangasem Building has items for religious ritual and ceremonies for the Panca Yadnya. And finally, The Tabanan Building pride itself with traditional Balinese work of arts.

This monument is a Balinese people struggle monument. The building is in the form of Genta/Bajra (the Hindu’s priest bell). Located at south side of Puputan Margarana civic centre Niti Mandala, Renon near with the reprensentative house of Bali and Governor office.

The main harbour of Bali which located about 6 km to the south of Denpasar. It caters the needs of local and international sea journey. This harbour has become the home base different cruises (Bali Hai Cruises, Bounty Cruises, Mabua, Wakalouka, etc) towards the eastern islands, and international yacht races are frequently organized here.

This college, located at the northern boundary of The Bali Art Centre, was established in 1967. The college specializes itself in dancing, traditional music, traditional puppetry design, and fine arts. At this place younger generations are trained to become expert in arts. Its role significant which the organization of the annual Bali Arts Festival, and all activities are centred in this area.

Kertalangu cultural village located in the middle of 80 hectare everlasting rice cultivation at Jl. By. Pass Ngurah Rai-Sanur. This luxury palced had just 30 minutes from Ngurah Rai Airport or 45 minutes from Nusa Dua and Kuta are. The facilities was builded in efforts of’Development based and community’of Kesiman Kertalangu village society. Various tourism facilities in this place are: - Jogging Track Jogging track is a sport facilities as far as 4 km in the middle of rice cultivation, where the tourist could deeply enjoyable fresh atmosphere, available fresh vegetables for sells a and the processing of rice plant. - Bali Handicraft Center In this place we could see how the society processed and created various kinds of handicraft product such as: ceramics, candle, glass, resind, wind chime, earthenware vessels and wood and stone carved. - Fishing Pond There are 9 fishing ponds in the middle of rice cultivation completed with gazebo and restaurant as a family recreation facilities. - Kertalangu ‘Pesraman’ Cultural Village If the tourist would like to learn and practice traditional Balinese dance, instrument’gamelan’or others Balinese culture, there is an expert and friendly instructure will contented to train. - SPA & Beauty Salon Alam SPA and beauty salon are available with complete, comportable, facilities, and an expert therapists in a luxurious rice view as an other alternative to spoiled our bodys. - Open Stage Any kind of events could be performed in this place e.g: wedding, lounching product, birthday party, exhibition or traditional art performances’Kecak and Barong dance’(appropriate to order, especially in July 2007 minimal 40 persons; and for daily performance will started in August 2007 ). - Restaurant Restaurant accompanying beautiful and luxurious rice view intended join in to the environment, with a various kinds of food available for 400 persons. - Foto Studio Complete and sophisticated foto technology are ready to use to make a picture before wedding or souvenir wearing a Balinese costums.

The statue stands on the cross roads in front of the Denpasar Mayor’s office. It is called Catur Muka (Four Faces) because it has four heads facing out to the four quarters of the compass and builled in 1973. The statue was created by a craftsmen led by the locally renowned artist I Gusti Nyoman Lempad from Ubud village. It’s 9 meters high statue is a representing God Brahma (God Brahma, as the Creator of the Universe) with four faces and has its original story can be found Mahabharata epic.

Puri Kesiman is located closed to Pengerebongan Temple on WR Supratman Street, east of Denpasar. The temple of Pengerebongan is very famous for its event of trance experience. This event is carried out periodically during a ritual seventh day after the Galungan holiday.

It is located 6 km from Denpasar city and only 20 minutes from Denpasar. It can be reached by public transportation or motorbike. Sanur beach was the first beach landed by the Dutch on 20 September 1906 related with Puputan War. All international facilities are available for tourist and communities such as: Star/non star hotel, restaurant, travel agency, etc. Beside this beach give many water sport attraction to people or tourist who want to enjoy the beach such as: diving, snorkeling, parasailing and etc.

Sidik Jari Museum is a private fine art museum established and owned by I Gusti Ngurah Gede Pemecutan. It keeps the work of its owner, and its also keeps work of other artists. The uniqueness of the work here is that the paintings are done through the use of the tips of the fingers in applying different colours or paints in order to represent the artist’s imagination.

This building was established on 14th February 1973 and has function to arrange the art and cultural attraction and supported with open stages and main buildings for: dancing, painting exhibition, seminar, music as specially big event of Bali art Festival is held on the middle of June to July every year. It’s located at Nusa Indah Street Denpasar.

The name of Taman Puputan Badung is a dedication to memorize of the war on 20th September 1906 in which the Balinese people King Badung/Denpasar fought bravely against the Dutch who invaded theh land. That date is always commemorated every year, and a monument called Taman Puputan Monument has been erected for the important event. This monument stands of northern part of the Puputan Square. This Square is visited by many local people every afternoon for recreation; and every Sunday there activities particularly organized for children.

Padang Galak is a continuation of beach area to the north Sanur. In contrast to the Sanur beach area, Padang Galak offers big waves and shiny black sand. As the waves are big water sport activities are frequently conducted this beach. Balinese people used this beach for religious ceremonies, this case this washing rituals of the holy statues and religious symbols. A recreation facilities has been established here

The Badung market is the biggest traditional market in Denpasar, located at Gajah Mada Street. This market receives a lot of visits from domestic and foreign visitor, therefore has been included as an object of attraction in City Tour programs. Daily household needs and handicrafts are available here. It’s open daily, from early morning until late of right.

There are two main bird markets in Denpasar; Pasar Burung Satria and Pasar Burung Sanglah. Pasar Burung Satria (near the Pasar Satria traditional market) is located in the city centre, at Veteran Sreet, approximately 300 meters north of Catur Muka (four face) statue. Pasar Burung Sanglah is about 200 meters to the easts of Denpasar’s central hospital (RSUP Sanglah). This bird market shares its location with Pasar Sanglah, which is one of Denpasar’s traditional

kumbasari Market is located opposite of The badung Market. They are separated by Badung river which runs from the north to the south. This market offers handicrafts commodities and textiles are also available here. There are domestics and foreign tourist pay visits to this market

The fine arts museum established by a Belgium artist, AJ. Le Mayeur. It is about 200 Meters to the nort of The Grand Bali Beach Hotel. The main attraction of the museum is the painting of Ni Polok, a local Balinese woman, the wife of the artist himself. Ni Polok herself used to be a famous traditional Balinese dancers from the neighbourhood village of Kelandis in Denpasar.

The palace of Satria, located about 300 meters towards the north of Taman Puputan Square at Veteran Street, as one of the palace attractions in the City Tour programs. The large and beautiful royal family temple is used not only by the members of the royal families but also by members of the community in the neighbourhood. A bird market is very interesting to visit in this area. Traditional performances and dinner party are available as well (on request).

The prehistoric inscription of Blanjong is in the form of a pillar with the height of 177 cm located in the Sanur area is Mertasari. The inscription is written in two form of letters: Prenegari using old Balinese and kawi using Sanskrit. Apart from this, there are a number of prehistoric artifacts of different forms.

The temple of Maospahit is an old temple which is located at Dr. Sutomo Street., about 950 meters from Catur Muka Statue. The main market of Pasar Badung is close to this site. Many visitors pay a visite to this old temple because it an archeological site. There is a terracotta statue considered to be archeologically old, come from the ancient of Majapahit Kingdom (East Java).

Jagatnatha Temple is located at the east of Taman Puputan Square at Major Wisnu Street. It’s Hindhu temple closed to the Museum Bali which is a part of city Tour attraction. The high structure of the Padmasana is the unique shrine of the temple. Like other big temples, Jaganatha is very busy on big religious day, such as Galungan, Kuningan, Saraswati. The regular religious ceremonies are conducted on the new and full moons, shadow puppet shows are normally performed. This place is accessible within 20 minutes from Sanur.

This temple is widely known for its Ngerebong, a religious ceremony involving a large number of barongs and rangdas. These mythological beings together with a large number of people became in trance and they encircle the wantilan hall three time in a long procession. The ceremony is organized once in 210 days, a traditional year in the Balinese calender. The temple is about 4 km from Catur Muka Statue and accessible by public transportation because it’s located on the main route to the eastern part of Bali.

The Temple of Sakenan was established on a small island of Serangan in the southern part of Denpasar by a priest of Danghyang Dwijendra. To access this place is done by boat cross a narrow strait full of mangrove trees, and it takes about 20 minutes. Or, it can be done by cars area used the new access road lending in front of the temple

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